Thursday 14 April 2016

Google’s More Than 200 Ranking Factors – How To Rank High In Google Experts Opinions

As, Everyone knows that Search Engines like Google never disclose its terms of Ranking Factors. It just shows some hints, & the SEO Experts make experiments & get Ideas from themselves. Most of the SEO Expert Says that Google uses more than 200 Factors to analyse a website for its ranking Algorithm. But No one knows what are those 200 factors. We have collected More than 200 Factors from web & Publishing in This Post. All these Factors are the Experiments & Personal Views of SEO Experts.We Have Divided them into 10 Segments. Domain Factors, Page Level Factors, Site Factors, Reference Factors, User Interaction, Special rules algorithms, Factors of Social Networks, Brand Factors, Factors located on the site of spam, Spam factors in the external links.

Domain Factors

Contents of the TABLE [show]
1. Domain Age:
Matt Cutts claims that:  The difference between a domain registered 6 months ago and the domain that year, there is not so important.
In other words, the age of the domain is taken into account … but it is not very important.
2. Keywords in the domain name top level:
Do not give the desired effect, as it was before, but their presence in the domain name is still an effective factor. In the end, they are displayed in bold type in the address bar.
3. Keyword in the first place in the domain:
SEOMoz members agreed that the sites in domain names in the first place is their target keywords more relevant than those who do not have one, or it stands in the middle of the name:
(keyword is in the first place of the domain name, for example:
4. Expiry: Pat Google says:
Securities (right) domains are paid for several years ahead, while useless (wrong) domains rarely used more than a year. Therefore, the date of expiry of registration of the domain can be used to anticipate the “correctness” of the site.
5. Keyword in a subdomain name:
SEOMoz participants also agreed that this factor increases relevance:
(keyword in a subdomain name, for example:
6. Blast story:
Sites with non-host (via whois) or fall can cause Google “reset” the history of the site, removing links related to this domain.
7. Exceptionally suitable site:
EMDs * can still give you an advantage … unless of course it is a quality site. Substandard same sites may be omitted due to the search result, EMD Update:

(* Exact Match Domain – very suitable domain filter Google)
8. Public and private information about the domain:
The hidden information about the domain can cook that “there is something to hide.” Matt Cutts at Pubcon 2006, said:When I checked the domain information these sites, each time received “is a private secure hosting.” This is quite unusual. Included … privacy host does not necessarily mean that’s bad, but if these factors come together, it will be possible to speak confidently about suspicious sites.
9. Suspicious domain owner:
If Google identifies a specific user as a spammer, or the like, it will be carefully treated and carefully check all the sites that it owns.
10. TLD * specific country:
Presence at the site of the national domain of the country (.ru .rf) (increases the relevance of this site in the country) … but limits its potential regarding the rest of the world.
(TLD – Top Level Domain – Top Level Domain)
Page Level Factors
11. Keyword tag «title»:
Tag «title» page is the second most important components of the page (in addition to the content itself) and therefore provides a great impact on the relevance of the site.
12.  Tag «Title» begins with the keyword:
According to SEOMoz, tag «title» beginning with the keyword give a far greater effect than if they will be in another part of the tag:
13. Keyword tag «description»:
This is also a very important indicator of relevance.
14. Keyword tag «H1»:
Tag «H1» is the second in importance after the «title» tag that significantly affects the relevance of a site, according to the data from this study:
15. Keyword is often used in the content of the site:
Adding keywords in the content of any other site often is a positive factor in the relevance of the site.
16. Length of content:
Sites with a lot of words in the content, it is believed, can cover the topic more broadly. Microsite Masters correlated length of content on the site with the position of the search results page:
17. Keyword Density:
Although now it does not matter all that much as before, however, Google uses this figure to determine the main theme of the site. But do not cross the lines, otherwise it can seriously harm the contrary.
18. Latent semantic index of keywords (LSI *):
LSI Keywords help search engines to understand the real meaning of the word, when he had more than one, for example: (Apple or fruit). The presence or absence Keyword LSI can also serve as an indicator of the quality of the site and its content.
(LSI – Latent Semantic Indexing – latent semantic index)
19. LSI keywords in the tags «title» and «description»:
As is the case with content, keywords in meta tags LSI village help to choose the correct value between synonyms. Also serve as a positive factor Relevance site.
20. Page loading speed HTML:
Google and Bing use the page loading speed, as a fact of relevance. Search engines can not estimate the approximate speed, according to the code of the page and the size of the files in it.
21. Repetitive content:
Duplicate content on the site (even slightly modified) negative impact on its relevance.
22. Attribute «Rel = Canonical»:
When used correctly, this attribute, your content will not be recognized by Google as a repeating.
23. Page load in Chrome:
Google may also use the Chrome user base in terms of download speed given server, using a CDN and other non-HTML performance speed.
24. Optimizing images:
Images on the site Google convey important information through its relevance title (Title, description, signature).
25. Prescription of content updates:
Google Caffeine recently updated its generous news, especially for users tired of waiting. Stressing the importance of this fact, Google shows the date of last update content specific site:
26. Frequency of content updates:
Frequency of making corrections and updates, is also a factor in the freshness of content. Adding and deleting entire sections much more effectively in matters of relevance, rather than making minor amendments or replacement of word order.
27. History of content updates:
How often updated content? Daily, weekly? Update frequency also plays many important role as a factor of fresh content.
28. Preference Keyword:
Keyword presence in the first 100 words of content on the site is a positive factor of relevance.
29. Keyword in tags «H2», «H3»:
Have keywords in these tags give poor efficiency, as noted by SEOMoz’s:
30. The order of the key words:
Exact match keywords in the order in the query will definitely have a positive impact on the relevance, in contrast to the site with keywords in a different order. For example: The user is looking for “ways to shave the cats.” Page optimized by this keyword phrase “How to shave cats” will have more relevance than sites with keywords in a different order “ways to shave the cats.”
31. Quality of outgoing links:
Many SEO experts are links to reputable sites and increase your confidence, consequently increases relevance
32. sites outgoing links:
According to SEOMoz, search engines can use the orientation of sites to which you refer to as a factor of relevance. For example, if your site is about cars, and you post a link to a site about movies, Google can take it for a negative factor in user queries on “the machine”.
33. Grammar and spelling:
Good literacy and spelling content on your site is definitely a good sign, though Cutts expressed mixed opinion in 2011 on whether it is important or not.
34. Indicator originality of content:
Laid on your site is the original content? Google uses an additional indicator of original content and if your content has been copied from another resource, it will play a negative role in the relevance of the site.
35. Useful additional material:
According to a recent directive Google, useful additional content – a measure of the quality of the page. Examples: currency converter, loan calculators and recipes sites.
36. The number of outbound links:
Too many «dofollow» links may reduce the relevance of a page.
37. Media:
Images, videos and other media components can serve as an indicator of the quality of the content.
38. The number of internal links, go to the page:
Number of internal links, sending this page, can be a sign of the importance of the page relative to the other on one site.
39. The quality of internal links, go to the page:
Internal links from authoritative pages may have greater effect than the reference pages with low PR.
40. Broken links:
The large number of broken links, may be a sign of neglect, and thus the poor quality of this site.
41. Level of the audience:
There is no doubt that Google evaluates the audience pages sites:
But what Google is doing with this pretty controversial information? Some argue that simple information «basic» level easy to understand large number of people, the investigation has a higher relevance. However, Linchpin SEO found that the level of the audience, this is one of the factors that separates the quality sites from cheap bought from rewriters content.
42. Partner links:
By themselves, affiliate links, may not adversely affect the relevance of the site, but if there will be too much, then Google’s algorithms can be more thoroughly test your site on other indicators to make sure that he is not a “partner.”
43. HTML errors / WC3 validation:
A large number of HTML errors or poorly written code, are a factor in the poor quality of the site. Many SEO experts believe that the WC3 validation is a weak indicator of quality.
44. The authority of the domain hosting:
All the facts speak for what the relevance of the site with the authoritative hosting is higher than a site with less than authoritative.
45. PageRank:
Page in the whole pages with higher PR, will also have a higher relevance and vice versa.
46. Length URL:
Search Engine Journal magazine noted that overly long URL may adversely affect the relevance of the site.
47. URL path:
Pages, URL which is closer to home page slightly can increase their relevance.
48. Custom amendments:
Although it is not confirmed, Google has laid out a patent for a system that allows you to influence the search results on a search results page.
49. Category page:
The page in any category – is a positive factor of relevance. Page, which is classified as closely related to the search query to get a higher rate of relevance compared to the one that is less related or not related to the query.
50. WordPress Tags:
Tags are a special factor Relevance WordPress. According “The only way to improve your SEO is – tying a piece of content on the other, as if more specifically – grouping positions with each other”
51. The key word in the URL:
Another important factor in a lot of relevance.
52. URL string:
Categories in the URL line is read by Google and can give him to understand what a page:
53. Pointing sources:
Citing sources, such as a research paper, you can also increase its relevance. The directive Google also stated that observers should monitor the sources in their publications.
54. Bullets and Numbering text:
Breaking your content on the part of the markers and numbering helps readers better grasp it, the text becomes more understandable. Perhaps, Google also understands this and prefer content with bullets and numbering.
55. pages on the site map:
Priority page, you can give the file sitemap.xml. Higher priority pages may have more relevance.
56. There are too many outgoing links:
Straight from the previously mentioned “Document quality assessment”:
Some of the pages are far too many references to distract from the main content of the page.
57. Number of additional keywords:
Presence of additional keywords for a page can also give Google a sign of quality page.
58. page Although Google prefers fresh content, the old page which is constantly updated content will win over the other new page.
59. The user-friendly layout:
Once again referring to the directive Google:Â Page layout, high quality makes it much more noticeable its main content.
60. “Parked” domains:
In December 2011 Google update significantly reduced the frequency display “parked” domains.
Site Factors
61. Table of Contents in the content valuable and unique information:
Google claims that they prey on sites that do not bring anything new, especially in the so-called “partnership”.
62. Page “Contact Us”:
 Not just the aforementioned directive asserts that Google prefers sites with sufficient contact information. “There will also be an advantage if your contact information will comply with the information domain.
63. Trust in the domain / TrustRank:
Rating trust the site is determined by how many sites with high confidence link to yours – is a fundamental factor. More about TrustRank here.
64. Architecture of the site:
A well-designed site architecture (especially architecture «silo») helps Google analyze your content properly.
65. Site Update:
How often are new site – especially as part of the on site adds new content – is a key indicator of the freshness of the site’s content.
66. Number of pages:
Number of pages on the site is not an important indicator of the credibility of the site, but at least, this site will be easy to distinguish from the “partner” of the site.
67. The presence of a site map:
Having a sitemap helps search engines index your pages more carefully, improving relevance.
68. Up time site:
Long “off” your site due to technical problems or work on the server can hurt your relevance.
69. Location of the server:
Location of the server may be affected if it is different from the location of the request. It is particularly important in the search for “in the region.”
70. SSL Certificate (E-commerce sites):
Google has confirmed that they pay attention to the SSL certificates. This applies to e-commerce sites using SSL certificates.
71. Pages “service rules” and “Privacy Policy”:
These two pages helps Google understand that this site is reliable, “a member of the” World Wide Web.
72. Repetition of local content:
Repeating pages and meta information on your site can have a negative impact on the relevance of your site.
73. «Breadcrumb» Navigation:
This user friendly way of organizing the architecture of your site, which helps him (and search engines) where in the site they are:
74. Mobile version of the site:
The official position of Google – the presence of the mobile version – a measure of care site to the user. Sites receive additional new users using mobile devices.
75. YouTube:
There is no doubt that YouTube videos have the advantage on the search results page (maybe even because YouTube is owned by Google):
76. Ease of use of the site:
The site, inconvenient to use or poor navigation is always a little time spent on pages, which negatively affects the relevance of a site. It is an independent algorithmic factor that is drawn from the huge user databases.
77. Using the tools of Google Analytics and Google Webmaster:
Some believe that the presence of two of these tools on your site increase its indexing. It may also directly affect the relevance of your site, as Google is available more ways to analyze your site.
78. Customer Reviews / Reputation Site:
Reviews of people on these sites, such as and probably have a value of the relevance of the site. Google even published an article that described the intention to listen to user feedback.
Reference Factors
79. links from older domains:
Links from the old domain may be more useful than the new ones.
80. Number of linking to your site domain:
This indicator is one of the most important factors of relevance to the algorithms Google, so you can see a graph of SEOMoz (horizontal axis – position in the search results page):
81. Number of linking to your site IP addresses C-Class:
This indicator shows the wider variety of sites linking to you.
82. Number of linking to your site web-pages:
The total number of pages linking to you, even one site – it is also the factor of relevance.
83. The presence of «Alt» tags (for reference images):
Text «Alt» tag is the text for the image.
84. links from domains or .edu .gov:
Matt Cutts said that this factor does not affect the relevance of a site, however, some SEO experts still think that in the algorithms of search engines have a separate place for this indicator.
85. PR referring pages:
PageRank linking to your site pages extremely affects the relevance.
86. The authority of linking to your site domain:
This factor plays a separate role in the evaluation of “importance” of links (so for example: it is natural that a reference site domain .edu and PR8 will be more valuable than a conventional website with PR3).
87. Links from competitive sites:
Links to other sites are your one category with respect to the search query can be more valuable than even a direct hit keywords.
88. links to your site in social networks:
The number of people share your link in the network affects its value.
89. links from “bad neighborhoods”:
The so-called links from “bad neighborhoods” can hurt your site more here.
90. posts from guest posts links from guests:
Especially in the home environment by the authors may not be as valuable as the contextual links on the same page.
91. Links to the home page of their own site:
Ssending links to the home page can play a special importance in the assessment of the map- hence – reference values​​.
92. Links with the attribute value Rel «Nofollow»:
One of the controversial topics in the SEO community. Official word Google: “In general, we do not pay attention to it.”But still there are those who think the opposite, at least in some cases. The presence of a certain percentage of «nofollow» links may also indicate that the naturalness of their origin (not by spam).
93. A variety of types of links:
Having an unnaturally high percentage of links from one resource (eg, from blogs or forums), may be recognized as spam. In other words, links to different resources – another sign of the “naturalness” of their origin.
94. “Sponsored links”:
Such words as “sponsor”, “affiliate link” and “sponsored links” can reduce the value of this link.
95. Contextual links:
Links added into the text content are more valuable than links from a blank page or are somewhere else on the page:
96. Excessive amounts of 301 redirects to page:
Links guide through a 301 redirect reduce partially (or even fully) PR, according to Webmaster Help Video.
97. The text of the backlink:
As described in this specification, the algorithm Google:
First, the link text often gives more information about this page than she did about me.Obviously, the text of the link is not as important as it used to (and probably sometimes a sign of spam), but still it is, though, and dumb, but it increases the relevance of a site.
98. The text of internal links:
This option – is another factor relevant sites, though perhaps it is estimated differently with parameter text back links.
99. The presence of the attribute «title» at the links:
Attribute links «title» (text that appears when you hover over a link) is also used as a weak, but still a factor of relevance.
100. links from sites with national TLD:
Have links from sites with national domains (.ru, .rf) can help to increase the relevance in this country.
101. Content Location links :
Links located in the upper part of your content will be highly relevant than those that are at the bottom.
102. Location link on the page:
Location link on the page is important. In general, the links are directly inside your content would be more valuable than those that are located in the sidebar.
103. Relevance links from similar sites:
Link to a site that is similar in topic to yours, will be more relevant than from the site entirely different direction.
104. The relevance of references from similar web-pages:
The Hilltop Algorithm writes that a link from a page that is closely related in meaning to your life, will be more relevant than on the page with a different theme.
105. “mood” of the text around the links:
Google, perhaps, can determine whether a link to your site part of someone’s review or not. Links with a positive “mood” of the text around it can be of great relevance, and vice versa.
106. Keyword attribute «title» Links:
Google gives preference to separate the links with your keywords in them «title» (“The experts refer to experts.”)
107. Large “speed” of sharing links:
Sites with high speed links dissemination usually have an advantage on the page of search results.
108. small “speed” of sharing links:
Little “speed” of sharing links accordingly reduces relevance.
109. Links “Hub” of pages:
Aaron Wall argues, getting links from top resources or «Hub» resources on a particular topic gives you a special advantage.
110. links from reputable site:
Link to the so-called “reputable sites” likely to be more effective than a small or suspicious.
111. links from Wikipedia:
While these references are «nofollow», many believe that the links from Wikipedia give you a bit of confidence in respect of “eyes” of search engines.
112. “Setting” backlink:
Words that are close to the backward link to help Google understand what a page is.
113. backlink Age:
According to the patent Google, older links have more value than new ones.
114. links from these sites, and spam blogs:
Due to the wide spread of blogs, Google gives preference to the links from the “This Site” than with “fake” units. In order to distinguish them from one another, Google might be using as parameters the brand site and index user interaction.
115. “natural” origin links:
Sites with links to the “natural” origin, tend to have a higher relevance.
116. Reciprocal links:
In the scheme of link building Google says that it is desirable to avoid an excessive number of cross-references.
117. links created by users:
Google is able to distinguish between links left by users from invoking the owner of a site. For example, Google knows that the link from the official blog at completely different thing compared with
118. Links through 301s:
Links through 301s could lose their value, compared to direct, but Matt Cutts said that the difference between these links is zero.
119. Support microformat semantic markup
Pages supporting microformat can be of great relevance in comparison with other sites. Relevance increase can occur directly or through higher rankings on search results pages:
120. Being in catalogs sites:
Many people believe, Google gives more preference in a directory sites.
121. Being in the directory Yahoo !:
Google’s algorithm can also take into account the presence in the directories Yahoo.
122. The number of outbound links on the page:
PageRank indicator is limited. This means that the link to the page with a huge amount of outgoing links can have a little PR, than the same link on the page with a small amount.
123. Links from forums:
Due to the huge figure of spam on the forums, Google can reduce the value of such links.
124. The size of page content:
Link from a page with content, for example: 1000 words, will be more valuable, such as a link from a page with poor content.
125. Quality of Content:
The quality of the content page links from sites with poor, poor content will have a much smaller value and vice versa.
126. “through” links:
Matt Cutts confirmed that “through” links are not considered separately, but as a single.
User Interaction
127. The “natural” rate CTR keyword:
Pages with a higher CTR can increase their position on the page of search results for this particular keyword.
128. The “natural” rate CTR for all keywords:
“natural” rate CTR page (or site) for all keywords, it is – relevant, based on the human factor, as it is a sign of user interaction.
129. Bounce Rate:
Not everyone who works in the field of SEO will agree that bounce somehow affect the relevance, but it can be used in such a way Google used as testers, quality site. (Page, with which users go very quickly certainly not a cake).
130. Number of visits:
It is confirmed that Google uses data from Google Chrome, to determine – whether people visit the site or not (and how often). Sites with a large number of visits, probably better than sites with a small amount.
131. Repeat visits:
Google may also use this indicator as a factor relevance of a particular site. Sites to which users come to re gain an advantage on the page of search results.
132. Blocked sites:
Google removed this feature in Chrome. However, Panda uses this index as an indicator of quality.
133. Bookmarks Chrome:
We all know that Google stores user data to Chrome. Pages that are bookmarked a lot of people can also benefit on the page of search results.
134. Data from the toolbar, Google:
Search Engine Watch’s Danny Goodwin repostnula message that Google uses data from the toolbar as a factor of relevance. In addition to the indicators of the speed of loading pages and malware, it is now clear what information Google collects from the toolbox.
135. Number of comments:
A large number of comments on the page indicator of its quality and good user interaction.
136. Time Spent Online:
Google Analytics and data from the Chrome browser can help Google determine the average residence time of users on your site. If users spend a lot of time on your site, it can serve as an indicator of its quality.
Special rules algorithms
137. Algorithm Google QDF *:
Google gives advantage to new web-pages for certain search queries.(QDF – Query Deserves Freshness – (literally) deserves a fresh request)
138. Algorithm Google QDD *:
Google can add a bit of diversity on the page of search results for keywords such as “Apple” or “ruby”.
(QDD – Query Deserves Diversity – (literally) query deserves diversity)
139. Custom history of visited sites:
Sites that you visit often, being connected to Google will have an advantage on the search results page, according to your requests.
140. Custom search history:
Chain of search results depends on what you were looking for earlier. For example, at first you were looking for “reviews” and then “Movies”, it is likely that Google’s first show sites with reviews of movies.
141. Targeting by location:
Google prefers sites with the local IP and sites with national domains (of which we have already discussed).
142. Safe Search:
The search results that contain adult material will not be displayed to users in the safe search option enabled.
143. Google+ Circles:
In the search results Google gives preference to sites added to Google+ Circles.
144. DMCA * Complaints:
Google lowers the relevant web-pages with DMCA complaints.
(DMCA – Digital Millennium Copyright Act – Law on copyright in the digital age)
145. Diversity Domain:
After the so-called “Bigfoot automatic update” on each page of search results has become a greater variety of domains.
146. Queries related to transactions:
Sometimes Google shows different results for keywords related to transactions (shopping, shopping), such as requests for flights.
147. Search results local:
Google often puts local Google+ results above the other, “normal”.
148. Google News:
Certain keywords can display the results in a block Google News:
149. Brand Preference:
After update of Vince, Google is certain, narrow search queries can give preference to the brand more results.
150. results related to shopping:
Sometimes Google shows Google shopping results in a “natural” search results:
151. Results Related pictures:
Google gives preference to a “natural” for lists of search results associated with the pictures on the questions that usually fall to search Google Images.
152. results related to brands and domains:
Keywords associated with specific domains or related brands can raise a few results from the same site.
Factors of Social Networks
153. Number of tweets:
As reference, tweets link to this page can increase its relevance to Google.
154. Authority twitter account:
It is likely that the references in tweets from accounts with tons of subscribers (such as for example an account Leonardo DiCaprio) will be more valuable than links from any new or uninfluential accounts.
155. Number of likes on Facebook:
While Google and can not follow the majority of Facebook accounts, quite possible that he considers the number of likes on the Facebook account with your link as a weak, but still positive factor of relevance.
156. Number of share your link on Facebook:
This figure is somewhat similar with backlinks therefore may have a greater value than the Huskies.
157. Authority Facebook user accounts:
As in the case of Twitter, links to more authoritative Facebook accounts can be of great value.
158. The number of “pins” on Pinterest:
Pinterest – it’s crazy popular social media network with a large number of public data. Perhaps this is why Google is considering the number of “pins” on Pinterest as a factor in social networks.
159. Number of votes for social “exchangers”:
It is possible that Google uses a number Share on sites such as Reddit, Stumbleupon and Digg as another type of social network factors.
160. Number of Google + 1:
Although Matt Cutts said that Google+ has no “direct effect” on the relevance is hard to believe that Google did not take into account data from their social network.
161. Authority Google+ user accounts:
It is logical that Google give preference to “+1” from authoritative accounts than those who have even a few subscribers.
162. Proven authorship of the information in Google+:
In February 2013, Google CEO Eric Schmidt said authoritatively: Inside searches, information from a trusted account will have more relevance than the information without such checks, as a result, most users will simply click on the top, proven results.Proven on the authorship information can also serve as a guarantee of confidence in the search engine.
163. Factors Relevance social networks:
Perhaps, Google uses the information on the relevance of accounts that share links, as well as the text surrounding the link.
164. Effect of relevance factors of social networks at the site level:
These factors may increase the overall credibility of the site that the investigation and increases the relevance of each individual page.
Brand Factors
165. “anchor” the text name of the brand:
Corporate “anchor” text – it’s simple but effective. Is one of the factors of the brand.
166. Searches and brands: Please forgive me:
people are looking for brands. If people are looking for your website with Google (for example: “Backlinko twitter”, Backlinko + “relevance factors”), Google will take this into account when will define the brand.
167. The site has a page on Facebook and huskies:
Briefly. Brands tend to start a Facebook page with a lot of likes.
168. The site has a Twitter account and subscribers:
A large number of subscribers on Twitter akkunte is a sign of the popularity of the brand.
169. Official website of the company’s «Linkedin»:
Most companies have a business page on «Linkedin».
170. staff at «Linkedin»:
Rand Fishkin believes that the presence of your staff accounts for «Linkedin» says that they actually work in your company, and this is a sign of the brand popularity.
171. Principles of social networks:
a social network account with 10,000 subscribers and 2 messages on the page, will have much less value than the same account, but a plurality of posts (factor user interaction).
172. The mention of the brand on news sites:
The really big brands mentioned in the news section of Google every day. Moreover, some brands even have their own section on the first page of the news:
173. Citation:
Oh good brands mentioned without reference. Probably, Google drew more attention to the mention of the brand is not enshrined in the reference.
174. Number of RSS subscribers:
Given that Google is the owner of the popular service RSS, it makes sense that the number of your subscribers to the RSS is also a factor in the popularity of the brand.
175. The presence of the company’s office in the list of Google+:
Do these companies have their own office. Perhaps this is why Google uses this factor to determine whether your company is a major brand or not.
176. Website, paying taxes enterprise:
SEOMoz published an article that Google may pay attention to the factors associated with whether your site paying taxes now or not.
Factors located on the site of spam
177. Sanctions on algorithm Panda:
Sites with low quality content (as a rule, “farm” content) have much less relevance because of the sanctions on the algorithm Panda.
178. The presence of links to “bad neighborhoods”:
The presence of online references to “bad neighborhoods” – are sites that can cause harm to the user or used dirty ways to improve its relevance, is a negative factor for the relevance of your site.
179. Redirects:
Availability tricky redirects (redirects) to your site is very, very bad. If such facts are discovered, your website is not just relevant to fall – it will no longer be indexed Google.
180. pop-up or distracting ads:
Our familiar directive Google said that the presence of such advertisements on site, its poor quality.
181. Over site optimization:
Includes all of the factors at the level of pages, such as keyword stuffing, stuffing keywords in the tags «title», «h1» itd, excessive use of keywords.
182. Over page optimization:
Many people say that, unlike the algorithm Panda, Penguin is more aimed at the individual pages (and only for specific keywords.
183. A large number of items:
“An algorithm for page layout” imposes penalties on sites with too much advertising and a small amount of content.
184. Hidden affiliate links:
 If you go too far in trying to hide affiliate links (especially with cloaking), can also be obtained from certain sanctions Google.
185. Partner Sites:
 It’s no secret that Google is not happy with the partner sites, so many people think that such sites may be under additional control.
186. Computer-generated content:
Google is also not a fan of computer generated content. If he finds that your site includes content such this would entail severe sanctions until the end of the indexing of the site.
187. Excessive increase PageRank:
If you go too far in trying to raise the PageRank, by setting the attribute «nofollow» on all outbound links, or for most domestic, may signal attempts to cheat the system.
188. Tagged as spam IP address:
If the IP of your server was flagged by Google for spamming, it can hurt all the sites located on this server.
189. Spamming in meta tags:
Overdo the number of keywords you can and meta tags. If Google decides that you add keywords in the meta tags to cheat the system, it may impose severe sanctions.
Spam factors in the external links
190. Unnaturally large influx of links:
Sudden and unnatural influx of links to your site is definitely a sign of falsity of such a link.
191. Sanctions algorithm Penguin:
Sites with sanctions from Google Penguin significantly reduce its relevance.
192. Low quality links:
Many links to resources that are used for black SEO promotion (such as comments on blogs and forums), can serve as a signal attempts to cheat the system.
193. Theme sites linking to you:
Well-known site found that sites with an unnaturally large number of links from unrelated sites by category may be suspicious algorithm Penguin.
194. Warning shoddy Links:
Google sends thousands of messages with tips how to spot fake links. Thereafter, as a rule, is falling relevance, although not in 100% of cases.
195. links from sites with the same IP class C:
Presence of abnormally large number of links from sites with the same IP of the server can be a sign blog network link building.
196. “Poison” in the anchor text:
The presence of the word “poison” in the anchor text (especially keywords on medical subjects) pointing to your site, it may be a sign of a compromised site or spam. Accordingly, lower relevancy.
197. Sanctions issued in the manual:
As you know, Google has had a hand in hand issued sanctions, such as the history of the collapse of the famous online flower shops Interflora.
198. “Selling” links:
These links can definitely affect your PageRank and consequently the relevance of a site.
199. Google Sandbox:
New sites that get the sudden addition of references are sometimes placed in the Google Sandbox, which temporarily limited relevance.
200. Google «Dance»:
Google «Dance» may temporarily “shake up” the relevance of the site. According to Patent Google, it may be a way to determine whether a site is trying to cheat the system or not.
201. Deviation links:
Using this tool, you can remove the effects of manual or algorithmic sanctions sites that have been victims of black SEO.
202. Revision of requirements:
Successful revision of the requirements may increase the sanction.


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